Welcome to Project Prime at Texas Woman’s University

PRIMEProfessional Resources IMathematics Education

The purpose of this project is to improve mastery of Mathematics College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) by students through effective lessons for middle school mathematics. This will be accomplished by the design and development of student centered, problem based, multimedia instructional units. Each unit will have the following characteristics:

  1. developed collaboratively with the involvement of faculty members from the Departments of Mathematics and Teacher Education;
  2. address the teaching of specific Career and College Readiness Standards for mathematics;
  3. incorporate appropriate technology resources and digital media;
  4. flexible and portable so that the lessons can be taught in face-to-face settings, or as self-instructional units; and
  5. available through a publicly accessible website.

Lesson Content, Web Development, and Resource Contributors:
Dr. Ann Wheeler, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dr. Christina Gawlik, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dr. Ludovic A. Sourdot, Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education
Dr. Jerry Whitworth, Associate Dean and Professor, College of Professional Education

We would like to thank The College and Career Readiness Initiative:  Mathematics Faculty Collaborative Grant for funding this project.

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